Thursday 19 December 2013

Making a film with no money.

Making a film on a very limited budget is not only part of our Media and Film courses in school, but is how many famous Directors developed their craft and their honed their skills. Without a budget you have to be innovative, smart and resourceful. There are limitless possibilities when it comes to making a film with no budget and the useful website Raindance providing 10 tips for Filmmakers working with no money.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

British Film: successful or not?

Over the last couple of weeks The Guardian website has featured two fascinating stories about the British Film Industry. One focused on the fact that British Film has seen some terrifically impressive releases this year with many more on the horizon. On the other hand, the second article looked at a BFI report that discovered that only 7% of British Films made from 2003-2010 made any profit at all.

With this in mind, is the British Film successful? Does the quality of the films negate the need for a profit? Should films funded by Arts Councils and Government grants make money, even if it means that they're not as well made or as interesting as other films? Should British Film sacrifice turning a profit in the name of reflecting a sense of cultural identity?

Both articles are well worth a read and could be invaluable to all aspects of your Film Studies courses, but particularly in the AS course.

Oscar contenders line-up as the Year draws to a close.

As the end of 2013 comes into sight, Oscar-predictions enter full swing. Ahead of the Awards in March 2014, many of the films tipped to win are yet to be released in the UK making for what will be a manic time at the Box Office in the upcoming months ahead. 
With so many films vying for the Best Picture award, the BBC takes a look at how competitive this year's race is...