Monday 27 January 2014

Where do the highest grossing screenplays come from?

Before a film can be made someone needs an idea which then gets turned into a script. Scripts can be sold for millions of dollars sometimes, if producers feel that this script is guaranteed to make a great film. A really interesting blog post looks at where films that make lots of money at the Box Office get their ideas from.
A great resource and evidence for AS Film.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

What's a Gaffer? What does a Best Boy do? A Key Grip?!

Have you ever seen the credits for a film and wondered what all the weird titles were for jobs that you had no idea existed? Of course you did, that's why you're visiting a school film blog in your own time.
Anyway, worry no longer as this handy guide from Empire Online will not only prove how complicated making a film is with all of the differing jobs, but also explain what the weird titles mean and what responsibility comes with those jobs.

This would be of particular use to AS Film in terms of the industry.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Art of writing a script that makes money...

An interesting little video on the BBC website about how one company in America analyses the contents of scripts, views the themes in the film and then decides if the film will make money based on past trends to help inform people who invest in films whether it's worth making the scripts that are available to buy. It's a horrible way of looking at film, given that it's an art form, but there is clearly a set of reasons why some films perform better than others and some of these are explained in this short video, linked below:

Friday 10 January 2014

BFI Statistical Yearbook for 203 & homework reminder

Homework for Friday 16th January

1. Read the Guardian Box Office report again
2. Access the BFI Statistical Yearbook for 2013 below and read chapter 2.

3. Give a written explanation as to what the 5 most successful films of 2012 were and, in your opinon, why each one was so successful.