Thursday 21 May 2015

Really useful video for revision

This video below is a brilliant way to quickly go over many of the key points, characters, themes and narratives of Marvel films since 2008. It goes into a lot of detail about things that might not be important to the Paper 1 GCSE exam such as the comics and backstory, BUT, it's a really handy recap about some film titles, characters, super powers and other things that you should be revising by now!

Have a watch, make some notes, answer some questions in the revision guide and revision powerpoint and remember; this is just the tip of the iceberg-go to YouTube and search for other clips from other superhero films.

Revision help

Hi all,

I've started to upload a whole raft of stuff to help you revise, ready for the exams which are coming really, REALLY soon.
If you go to the section on this blog called GCSE Film Revision you'll find revision guides, PowerPoints, YouTube videos and other bits and bobs to help.

I'll add more when I find it/make it and will post on here to let you all know when I've added revision for Paper 2, on The Boy With the Striped Pyjamas.

Happy revising all!